Career Advisors

The Career Centre provides a valuable resource in assisting students in all aspects of their career exploration, financial awards/processes, and transitions into the work force. 

If you have questions about the following topics, or need assistance, our preference is for students to reach out to us on Microsoft Teams or in person. Please stop by and visit us in room C239.

  • Scholarships and Bursaries - Applications, Information and Workshops
  • Resumes, Cover Letters, Interview Coaching, Job Searching (Employment Marketing Skills)
  • Career Based Enrichment Opportunities (Guest Speakers, Community Partners, Conferences, and Workshops)
  • Post-Secondary Research and Application Support (University/College/Institute/Trades Training)
    • Students are encouraged to check with post-secondary institutions on a regular basis regarding entrance requirements, application deadlines, and financial opportunities as changes occur regularly
  • Navigating Important Websites, including myBlueprint, EducationPlannerBC, MyEducation BC, Microsoft Teams, etc.
  • Transcript Service is used to access and send transcripts when needed:


Grade 10 Interviews, Career Planning - Trades Portfolio

Scholarships, Bursaries, Career Planning


The Career Centre will assist students to explore their future in a flexible and personalized learning environment where they will be mentored in the discovery of their passions, interests, career aspirations and finding their value in todays' society.

Click here to check out our Careers page!


Students, please follow us on social media at our @gwg_careers or on our Facebook Page at GWG Careers


Work Experience (WEX)

Volunteer or paid Work Experience is required for Graduation and students who need assistance in finding the required 30-hour placement should contact the WEX Advisor, Mrs. Lafreniere. However, some students may opt for more WEX hours to help them determine career paths.  So, students may choose to enroll in a 4-credit course that requires 100 hours of job/career related experience(s), and these are completed outside of the students' regular timetable. Students may access career education, training, and placements with community-based employers by contacting Mrs. LaFreniere. These WEX placements are entirely student-driven, which means that students need to take the initiative to request a placement. Placements are based on student preference including type of work; location; and schedule. For more complete information on WEX, email the WEX Advisor for an appointment:


Career Education for Grades 9 - 12

Please click on the link below for more information on Career Education

Career Education 9 and 10, Career Life Connections Grade 11 and 12 (CLC12B) are full year courses. Students will view video lessons and complete activities. Activities range from 30 minutes - 60 minutes per week. Students will need access to MyBlueprint and Microsoft Teams to participate in the learning.

Career Life Connections happens over the course of Grades 11 (CLC12A) and 12 (CLC12B), as students finalize their career education portfolios and transition plans for post-secondary life.